
続・医者も知らないホルモン・バランス―自然なプロゲステロンが女性の健康を守る!: ジョン・R. リー John R. Lee 今村 光一 伊藤 由紀子: 本







Are you a woman between 35 and 50 experiencing PMS, migraine headaches, sudden weight gain, fatigue, irritability, tender or lumpy breasts, memory loss, fibroids, or cold hands and feet? If so, you may be experiencing symptoms of premenopause. Even if you're a decade or more away from menopause, your hormones may already be out of balance, usually caused by an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of progesterone, say the authors of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause. John Lee, M.D., is a well-known advocate of the benefits of natural progesterone and the author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause. Jesse Hanley, M.D., adds sensitivity to the emotional and spiritual aspects of premenopause. The authors recommend natural progesterone cream to balance your hormones, eliminate premenopausal symptoms, and make you feel better. They also discuss the dangers of xenohormones--substances not found in nature that have hormonal effects--frequently found in pesticides, solvents, plastics, and hormone-treated meat. The book presents common symptoms of premenopause with suggested natural treatments (progesterone cream, diet, vitamins, and herbs) and substances to avoid, plus additional chapters on diet and exercise. Many case studies help to bring the information into perspective. If you are premenopausal (or close to someone who is), this is a valuable resource. --Joan Price
--このテキストは、 ペーパーバック 版に関連付けられています。


第1部 前更年期とホルモンのバランス(前更年期症候群とは、どんな症状か?
エストロゲン優勢による症状 ほか)
第2部 前更年期の女性の体と病気(子宮とホルモンのバランス
生理前症候群とホルモンのバランス ほか)
第3部 前更年期のためのバランス・プログラム(健康なライフスタイルを創造する
今こそ運動を始める理想的なとき ほか)